Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Laura!

Laura turned 4 on March 24, but we had her party on Saturday which was the day before Easter. I thought as part of the festivities that an Easter egg hunt would be appropriate. So grandma's and grandpa's and all the cousins came and brought their baskets and had a great time. Most of the kids were of course trying to find as many eggs as they could. Well, David could care less about the number of eggs he had, he just cared about the content inside the eggs. As soon as he found an egg, he sat down and proceeded to chow down on the jelly beans. Wish I had a picture.
I had to throw this one in. As I was looking back at all of Laura's baby pictures, I had such a great time remembering her crazy hair. Crazy hair that I didn't know what to do with! This picture was on her blessing day when she was a couple months old.

Back to the birthday party.

Now if anyone has been to Costco lately you have probably seen this airplane teeter totter on display. Well, Mike has been wanting to get this for the kids ever since he first saw it, so he took the opportunity while we were gone for spring break visiting Rhonda and bought it. The kids all had a great time on it.

Now, one more thing. I know I've taken even longer to post this time than I normally do. That's pretty sad. I've still got January stuff I need to post. It's probably because I usually try to blog in the evening after the kids go to bed. And for the last couple of months I can't stay up long enough to do anything. Mike keeps finding me asleep on the couch sometimes even before 9:00! That could only mean one thing....I'm pregnant! Yes baby #3 is coming in September and we are so excited!

Hope to get more updating done soon!


Stephanie said...

Yea! For being prego, thats awsome! Cute pictures I love to "check in" now.

jayna said...

congrats!!!!!!! becky, did you know that you have a 4 year old? how is that real? miss your trash. love your posts. and laura's hair is as beautiful as yours is.. just darker. lol. hugs for you.

Becca said...

Congrats Bullocks!

We still need to go garage-sale'n sometime! :)

Jilynn said...

Nice way to slide the announcement in. I think it deserves its own post! Looks like a fun party. Sorry that we missed it!

Mortensen Family said...

hey- laura was such a beautiful baby too! We have been eyeing that airplane for the last few months. We might get one as well. How fun!

KaraLyn said...

She is so pretty! Happy belated b-day Laura!!! I'm excited that you are expecting! I was wondering when you would... your baby is 2 now! Congrats!

ZB said...

love that crazy hair! Happy Birthday --hard to believe you have a 4 year old.


Carrie Snider said...

Ooo another baby!!!! Congrats! What day are you due? We're having a boy on August 30th.

Jen said...

Hey Becky! I just found Marea and Carrie yesterday! We want to track down the rest of the Northwoods roomies! I'm so excited to see your blog and Congratulations!