Jared is growing like crazy! He is 9 1/2 months and is 31 inches long, which makes him 99% for height. He is so smiley and lots of fun right now. I just wish he would stay asleep at night. Unfortunately, he doesn't want anything to do with a pacifier.
My little Laura got glasses back in October I guess it was. Sometimes I forget because she usually just wears them at school. I thought she and my mom looked so cute in their glasses as they sat there reading together. I also decided David is too big to still be wearing footy jammies. Looks a little funny, but he loves them.
Laura and her cousin Many at there dance recital in November. They had a great time and had a fun year doing dance together. I'm glad they'll have this fun memory.
I think this is the only picture I have of all my boys with my dad. It's not very often that everyone is in a good mood and ready for a picture when grandpa is over, so I couldn't let the opportunity pass.
A couple months ago Mike decided it was time to get David out there on his bike and really learn how to ride it. I was so proud of him. He was so excited and proud of himself too.